Curriculum Vitae of Nick van der Vlugt

Nick van der Vlugt is a Senior Consultant with ICT, Marketing, and Procurement experience.

Nick van der Vlugt’s Experience at Coreal, own company since 1999

Developer and leader of the course “Essential Knowledge for Better ICT Decisions”
This new course consists of a mixture of business aspects and ICT aspects. Excellent results can be attained with the knowledge acquired in this course. For more details of this course, click here.

ICT Improvements and Savings by applying a Quick Scan method since 2010
On the basis of checklists and general questions it becomes clear during discussions where the potential is for ICT improvements and ICT savings. A quick scan afterwards enables your consultant to estimate potential improvements and saving results. The consultant is hereafter prepared to actually realize those improvements/savings for organizations.

Independent ICT Consultant, Strategic & Tactical Senior Purchaser since 1999
For large and mid-sized companies and (semi, local) government with knowledge of ICT:

Special consultancy aspects include:

Nick van der Vlugt’s Experience before 1999